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The Lancashire Vision 

Our vision for Education and Children's Services


Children, young people and their families are safe, healthy and achieve their full potential.


Lancashire County Council has a duty to drive school improvement so that every school is a good school. Our role is to be the 'Champion of the Learner.'


Our School Improvement Service Guarantee (SISG) is part of our traded offer, contributing towards achieving our vision by supporting and challenging schools to deliver high quality provision. This should be based on a rich, connected curriculum that deepens learning and equips pupils for the demands of the next phase of their life.


Our SISG is a traded, distinct offer for schools which complements the Team Around the School and Settings (TASS) work. This is our universal, locality based, needs led model of support for all schools which aims to address recurrent issues that impact on children's educational outcomes. This multi-agency approach works in partnership with all Lancashire schools and settings, to support all children to reach their full potential in education.


Lancashire County Council's Values:

  • Supportive

  • Innovative

  • Respectful

  • Collaborative



Why Lancashire SISG?

Additional benefits:

  • A named school adviser, assigned in consultation with your school. Four Three adviser days, which includes one visit to school each term and a day for headteacher appraisal (Packages B, C or commissioned work). Each visit follows a common agenda, but the nature of the support provided by the adviser is determined by the school’s own priorities for improvement. Your named adviser will compile reports and respond to emails and telephone calls from school staff/Governors. 

  • Dedicated attention to providing and promoting wellbeing for everyone associated with your school.

  • Full year support via telephone and email, as required, with cover arrangements when the named adviser is on leave /absent.

  • Support during an Ofsted Inspection including discussion with the inspector and attending feedback.

  • Contingency support for emergency and critical incidents.

  • Support for challenging situations, e.g. capability/parental complaint.

  • Assistance in brokering temporary senior leadership.

  • Records of visits will be maintained.

  • Support with staff and student voice to inform focused school improvement work.

  • Lancashire School Information Profile (LSIP) (academic year 2023/24, where applicable).

  • Full support for Governing Boards in the recruitment of a headteacher, deputy headteacher and assistant headteacher (Package B, C and additional commissioned work).

  • Pastoral support for school leaders and staff in dealing with the national and local challenges faced by schools.

  • Brokering of support from local and national systems, associations and academy trusts, as appropriate.

  • Co-ordinated and partnership working with diocesan colleagues (where appropriate).

  • Drawing on expertise and capacity within the TASS cross phase networks.

  • One hour, termly group virtual consultancies for curriculum leaders in English, mathematics and science with subject specialist consultants (for Special Schools and PRUs).

  • Termly Early Years briefing by consultants (where applicable).




Our Guarantee


A Service That Cares and Is Always There

  • Our SISG offer builds upon the well-established model of School Improvement in Lancashire which has grown and developed over the years in response to feedback from our schools. The professional relationship between an adviser, school leaders and governors ensures a detailed knowledge and understanding of individual schools, which then informs bespoke support and challenge.



Bespoke to Your School

  • This brochure outlines a core offer, but all of our support will be tailored to you and your school.



Wide Ranging Support and Challenge

  • As a Service, we know our schools well. We are skilled in identifying appropriate challenge, support and opportunities to enable all our schools to be self-managing  in responding to local and national developments. Our close working relationship with other LA services, such as HR, Inclusion, Safeguarding and Finance, ensures we are informed of the latest developments within these areas.



Unparalleled Expertise

  • Our team of advisers are highly skilled and have substantial experience in all aspects of education. They will empower and enable schools to deliver the very best outcomes for all pupils. Our team of advisors includes specialisms in Secondary, SEND and Alternative Provision, with a diverse range of expertise, and a flexible way of working to better meet your needs.

  • How You Might Use your Lancashire SISG



Teaching and Learning

  • Working with schools to enhance their curriculum offer.

  • An audit of the quality of teaching and learning, including ‘Deep Dives’.

  • Challenge for good and outstanding schools to further improve and to share their practice more widely.

  • A review of assessment and tracking systems across the school.



Leadership and Management

  • Professional development for Senior Leadership Teams.

  • Preparation for an Ofsted Inspection and assistance with post- Ofsted action planning.

  • Supported monitoring and evaluation of teaching through observations of lessons, scrutiny of pupils’ work, pupil discussions etc.

  • A whole school review in response to changing national frameworks and expectations.

  • School Development review.

  • Self-evaluation review (tailored to the needs of the school.)

  • Leadership and management audit.

  • A review of the impact of discreet funding streams, for example, Pupil Premium Grant, Catch Up and Sports Funding.

  • A specific visit to audit or support KS5 development (for schools with sixth forms).


Professional Development

  • The adviser provides the role of External Adviser in supporting the Governor Appraisal Committee with headteacher appraisal (package B or C).

  • Arranging mentor support for new and acting headteachers.

  • Provision of Local Authority references for staff who apply for a headship post.

  • Access to coaching conversations for all staff.



  • Support for Governing Boards with brokering External Review of Governance, or support from within Lancashire.

  • Full support for Governing Boards in the recruitment of a headteacher, deputy headteacher and assistant headteacher (Packages B, C and additional commissions).

  • Support in exploring, establishing or joining a multi-academy trust.

  • Bespoke professional development not covered within the Governor Services SLA.





Continue or Start your Relationship with Lancashire

Choose your package for a full year School Improvement Service Guarantee (SISG). If you wish to continue with your SISG then there is no need to do anything, you will automatically be re-enrolled onto Package B.


Our advisory team are happy to discuss your experiences and requirements, so that your package is the perfect fit:

If you would like specific elements of the SISG, but not a full package, please contact a member of our team.



Terms and Conditions

  • If in the event your adviser is unavailable, we guarantee to provide you with an immediate substitute, with another named adviser or associate adviser. If you no longer wish to renew your SISG, then we ask that you inform us via email and via the portal no less than three months before the renewal due date.

  • The cost of the SISG is non-refundable for the year in which it is taken out. However, any school subject to an Academy Order due to an Ofsted inspection outcome should contact their senior adviser for the area to discuss the future of their SISG contract.

  • If you have any complaints about the quality of service you receive against the SISG, please make direct contract with a Senior Adviser, who will seek to resolve this.


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